Escape game The Body Shop

Company: Red Fox Escapes

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


614 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02139 ()

(617) 417-8748

Ring the bottom buzzer under the giant "Red Fox Escapes" sign! Once inside, the door is a few steps ahead, on the right.

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For years there have been rumors of a shadow girl scout troop operating in the Boston and Cambridge area. Over the last week, you’ve been earning your Automotive Engineering badges in the local auto body shop. Little did you know that the auto garage is owned by the high council of this shadow troop, and they have been covertly watching you. They have hand-picked you and your team to have the chance to join their secret society, and last night, each of you received a rare invitation to meet there today.

You will have one hour to prove to them you have what it takes to earn the ultimate girl scout badge, and a coveted place in their troop.

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