With actors Ghastly Escapes - Ch. 1 The Bag Man

Company: Masterpiece Escapes

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


14015 E Independence Blvd Indian Trail, NC 28079 ()

(704) 628-7469

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Ghastly escapes was one of the first scary escape rooms to open, and was very popular. Until they abruptly closed due to the tragic passing of the owner and manager inside the building. The venue sat empty for nearly a decade until recently Masterpiece Escapes was offered the lease. We took the space and have begun running the original games as is. However, perhaps some things should have stayed closed....

The bag man is a legend held by many cultures, and is where the term "boogey man" originates. Tales of a creature coming at night to take children who stay up past bedtime have been told around the globe. In eastern Europe, this creature was called the Bubak and took the form of a scarecrow, who was animated and put a sack over people's heads in order to take their soul. This was Ghastly Escapes first game.

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