Escape game Floor 66

Company: Just Escape Room

Average Rating:

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512 W Burlington Ave #204 La Grange, IL 60525 ()


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In the year 2107, an urgent mission arises. Dr. Montgomery’s high-rise condo is in danger due to an accidentally triggered self-destruct feature. With Dr. Montgomery out of town, you the Hour Men are hired to avert the impending explosion. Your team must access Floor 66, unravel the intricate security measures, and deactivate the device before time runs out. Success lies in your hands, but failure could lead to a catastrophic event.

The Hour Men Company is a classified organization that recruits ordinary individuals for time-traveling missions, all for the benefit of a mysterious scientist, Dr. Montgomery. These missions are crucial for Dr. Montgomery’s objectives, requiring participants to navigate different eras, complete complex Missions, and sometimes alter the course of history.

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