Escape game A Night at the Castle

Company: The Escape Room USA

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459 North High Street Ste. 2 Columbus, OH 43215 ()


On High and Vine across from the Convention Center

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The Escape Room USA

Rating: (3 reviews)


You and your colleagues have arrived in Europe to visit the famed Neuschwanstein Castle. The purpose of your trip is not just to visit the beautiful 19th-century Fairytale Palace…You and your team of Historical Investigators must search for evidence that King Ludwig ll (often referred to as “Mad King Ludwig”) was murdered as opposed to drowning by suicide in Lake Starnberg on June 13, 1886.

After reviewing extensive new research, you and your associates believe that there may be evidence to uncover the mystery of the King’s death (possibly a conspiracy involving his family) that is hidden deep in the castle along with the crown jewels.

It is now dark outside, and after hiding in Mad King Ludwig’s bedroom until after the castle’s closing hours, you must find the crown jewels and the evidence that the King was likely murdered putting this 130-year-old mystery finally to rest. Was it murder or suicide? You have 60 minutes to find out and get out!


Warning: This adventure may contain an element of climbing or vertical movement. If this presents an issue for a participant we would recommend another adventure.

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