Escape game The Bank Heist

Company: Full Moon Escape

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


1401 W 13 St Suite C, Kansas City, MO 64102 ()


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The Merchants Bank has been given a special assignment tonight; to protect the Idol’s Eye diamond. Whispers of the diamond’s impending arrival at a new museum had spread excitement throughout the city, but also raised concerns about its safety. To ensure its protection, the diamond has been entrusted to the Merchants Bank vault for the night stored in a specially designed, secure case.

The Idol’s Eye diamond has long captured the imagination of treasure hunters and historians alike. Legends whispered of its origin in the depths of India, where it was said to have been plucked from the eye of a sacred idol. Throughout the centuries, the diamond changed hands among royalty, adventurers, and thieves.

You and your team have decided to break into Merchant Bank and steal the diamond tonight. An employee at the Merchant Bank is working with you and advised you of the storage arrangements. The employee has left various tools and clues around the bank to assist you in your attempt. You have about an hour between police patrolling the bank to accomplish your goal. Good Luck!
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