Escape game The Stolen Relic

Company: Intrepid Escape Rooms

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1622 Edinger Ave, Tustin, CA 92780 ()


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At the same location


Head to Malaysia with Intrepid's team of accomplished adventurers to hunt for the Askar relic.
Just after the cyclone three weeks ago, the priceless Askar relic went missing from a dig site in the Bujang Valley in Malaysia, and is assumed stolen by the deranged anthropologist Dr. Vanderwolfe, who went missing around the same time. No progress has been made on recovering the relic, except that several cryptic items were found in Dr. Vanderwolfe's study.
Malaysia's National Museum invited Intrepid to put together a team to decipher the clues in Dr. Vanderwolfe's study and search for any further clues. Trans-oceanic passage on the club's private train car is included.

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