Escape game The Haunted Terminal

Company: Intrepid Escape Rooms

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1622 Edinger Ave, Tustin, CA 92780 ()


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At the same location


Sealed off in 1989, the old Valencia Station at the end of the Orange line was plagued by ghosts before the Ghost Exterminators trapped them all in containment units. Now, they can’t leave, haunting visitors of the abandoned station from their host items in the hopes of escape.
After a brief ride in our private train car, our guides will escort you down to the subway tunnels. There, it will be your turn to try your hand at gathering all of Valencia’s specters into a ghost box left behind by the Ghost Exterminators and releasing them from the station once and for all.
You’ll receive help along the way from the ghosts themselves, especially the mysterious Station Master and his loyal pup, Cujo, but ultimately, it’ll be up to you to free them…
Are you up to the challenge?

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