Escape game Echoes at Murder Heights

Company: America's Escape Game

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


8723 International Dr #115 Orlando, FL 32819 ()


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The old Frank M. Heights apartment building lost funding during its remodel nearly a decade ago and has since sat abandoned. Rumors say a horror fiction-obsessed murderer uses the building as his playground for twisted acts of torture. When a bad storm rolls through, you can almost hear screams coming from the building over the sounds of thunder. It’s time to find out if there’s any truth to the tales within.

Just as you pass the 'No Trespassing' signs, you look up to find a terrible thunderstorm approaching. Once inside, you follow whispers from the walls; echoes from a victim captured by the deranged squatter that holds dominance over this forgotten town eyesore. You quickly become the next plaything to the murder-obsessed individual, locked in a closet like sitting ducks awaiting your fate.


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