Escape game Magic School

Company: Royal Escape Rooms

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


477 Richard Jackson Blvd Panama City Beach, FL 32407 ()


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Attention, wizards, and witches! Your invitation to the Royal Escape’s Magic School has arrived! To enroll, conquer a spellbinding challenge meant for the purest hearts.

Your wand awaits, brimming with magic – cast your first spell by believing in the enchantment within your heart! Trust in the power of friendship.
Embark on a magical journey at Royal Escape’s Magic School – the ultimate family escape room, where mystery awaits at every turn.

Discover thrills’n’chills at Royal Escape – your prime destination for the finest wizardry-themed escape rooms! Ready to embrace your magical destiny? Hogwarts, here you come!

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