Escape game Outer Space

Company: Royal Escape Rooms

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


477 Richard Jackson Blvd Panama City Beach, FL 32407 ()


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Rating: (5+ reviews)


Prepare for an otherworldly experience with OUTER SPACE ESCAPE! Awaken from years-long cryosleep, you’ll find yourself adrift in the vast darkness of space. The ship hurtles toward its final obstacle, and with only 60 minutes on the clock, nobody can hear your screams…

Survival hinges on escaping the ship in emergency pods, and fortunately, your crew is at your side. But can they hold onto their sanity to aid your escape in the cold expanse of space?

Embark on this cosmic adventure with your friends, facing the unknown in the most thrilling escape room near you.

Discover top thrills’n’chills at Royal Escape – your ultimate destination for the best escape rooms around!

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