Escape game Butcher Shop[Closed]

Company: Mission X Escape

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


3400 Westgate Dr, Suite #8 Durham, NC 27712 ()


Inside Westgate shopping center on Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd

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You opened your eyes to see the mist coming from your breath. Frost was forming on the tips of your nose and fingers, and you noticed raw carcasses hanging from the hooks around you. That’s when the stench hit. The smell of decay was unbearable.

The meat – if that’s even what it was – seemed slightly unnatural and different from what you’re used to, but you did not dare finish that train of thought since you weren’t quite sure you could come to terms with the truth should you have discovered it. An ominous feeling settled in and chills ran down your body. Frantically, you began to search for an exit. You just hoped you were not too late…

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