Escape game The Wizard's Castle

Company: Gnome & Raven

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


9200 Stony Point Pkwy Richmond, VA 23235 ()


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The royal and wise wizard A.K. Dabrah needs your help! His magical amulet – an enchanted artifact he uses to teleport to consult with the Knights of the Round Table – has gone missing, and the implications would be dire if the amulet falls into the wrong hands. With such a powerful motive, anybody might be the culprit – even his beloved pet cat!

Is it the Dark Knight? The Jester? The Raven Queen? Only you can discover who stole it and restore it to its rightful owner before powerful magic falls into the wrong hands! Search for clues, solve puzzles, crack codes, and cast spells while you explore A.K. Dabrah’s magical and mysterious wizard’s workshop in search for the amulet’s whereabouts – but hurry! You don’t want to make the Knights of the Round Table wait!

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