Escape game Bitten

Company: Beat the Room

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


6840 Five Star Blvd #100; Rocklin, CA 95677 ()


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You’re the only survivors after the Vampire King devastated our city and kidnapped the Mayor’s daughter. He bit you, and you know it, but you’re still alive, why? You’re transitioning…soon you too will be a nightwalker, coven member, a newborn vampire. There’s only one way to live and not join the underworld. You must slay the immortal that marked you. BUT time is running short, you only have 90 minutes until sunset. This group of survivors must find a way in from the graveyard to the vampire lair, locate a stake suitable for a vampire king and vanquish him before he wakes or you’ll join the undead.

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