Escape game The Initiation

Company: Beat the Room

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


6840 Five Star Blvd #100; Rocklin, CA 95677 ()


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Your recent discoveries have shed light on a powerful secret society. However, your curiosity has led your investigation too far... While walking to your car, an unmarked van screeches to a stop right next to you. Darkness envelops you as a velvet hood is quickly placed over your head and you're swooped into the van. This is the last thing you can recall.

As you groggily wake up on an unfamiliar floor, you hear the clack of a deadbolt snap into place as someone mutters: "You have 60 minutes".

This escape room is also available at the Vacaville location.
Address: 814 Alamo Dr, Vacaville, CA 95688
Phone number: (707) 724-8696


This escape room is also available at the Vacaville location.
Address: 814 Alamo Dr, Vacaville, CA 95688
Phone number: (707) 724-8696

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