Online Escape from the Lockdown: The Demon Fortress Online

Company: SCRAP



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In the world you live in, humanity lives in fear of the demons.

9 heroes headed to the Demon Fortress in order to defeat the Demon King.
The heroes have not been heard from since.

The world will be swallowed by darkness if nothing is done.
One day, your 'Communication Crystal' rings.
In the crystal ball, you see... the heroes who were thought to be dead!

"Finally! It's connected! We've been confined in the Demon Fortress's prison! Please, can you save us? We've found this..."

What the weakened heroes revealed was a map of the prison along with a note with cryptic puzzles.

As the 'Puzzle Solving Hero' you start working right away!

Will you be able to solve all the puzzles within the Demon Fortress, save the heroes, and bring peace to the world?


Number of players - unlimited
Time limit - unlimited

*Recommended team size is 2~3 players
*Estimated game time is about 120min~180min

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