Escape game Paranormal Investigators

Company: Lock Clock and Peril


5535 Broad St Sumter, SC 29154 ()


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At the same location


You have joined a paranormal research group to investigate the old Miller House by the lake! Your mission is to enter the house, try to capture paranormal activity and collect some haunted items that the Parnormal Society would like to study!

Upon entering the house, things go terribly wrong! You all find yourselves trapped inside of the house! You must all work together to find a way out! To make matters worse, you only have 1 hour before the clock strikes midnight!

Midnight is said to be the witching hour! If your group does not get out before then, the ghost will trap you there forever! Do you think your group can work together to escape the haunted house? If the answer is yes, sign up today!

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