Escape game Dr. Whack's Elixir of Life

Company: The Escape Game

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

20+ reviews


3345 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 ()


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The eccentric Dr. Whack has been around for a long time…920 years to be exact! What’s her secret to never truly growing old? The elusive Elixir of Life. This mysterious potion holds the secret to eternal life and the infinite power that comes with it. Of course, with this being her most prized possession, Dr. Whack hasn’t just left it around for anyone to find! The elixir is locked behind several layers of protection in her bizarro shop. You’ve only got 60 minutes to work your way through the shop and retrieve the Elixir. And you’d better hurry because time sure flies! No one knows that better than Dr. Whack…

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