Escape game The Forgotten

Company: Locked Up


6342 W. Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46804 ()


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Today marks your best friend’s 21st birthday which, of course, is a cause for celebration. After playing the night away at various clubs around the city, you decide to call it a night and head home. You were all laughing and celebrating, telling stories of your evening, but now something is off…

You start to stumble. Your head is pounding…. The lights begin to fade, and you hit the ground.

You eventually awake, but where? It smells musty and damp, and the only thing you hear are dripping pipes in the distance. Nothing is visible. Now your life is on the line, and you fear time is not on your side. Can you escape before you meet your captor, or will you become one of The Forgotten?

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