Escape game ATTICA

Company: Locked Up


3323 28th St SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512 ()


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Attica Correctional Facility is a maximum security/supermax prison in the town of Attica, New York. After it was constructed in the 1930’s, it held many of the most dangerous criminals of the time.

Now it is 1971, and Attica is the site of a hostile prison riot. The riot will result in 43 deaths, of which 33 are convicts and ten are correctional officers and civilian employees. One officer will die at the hands of the rioting convicts. The rest will die by gunfire from state troopers and other retired officers.

You and your fellow guards must work your way through Attica, figuring out how to safely escape the prison during the riot. Can you make it out of ATTICA without getting killed by the convicts or friendly fire from the police?

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