Escape game Zombie Outbreak

Company: PanIQ Escape Room

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

10+ reviews


910 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139 ()


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The world as you know it is over. Society has crumbled, and the ravenous dead now walk the earth. Whatever life you had before is gone; now you’re all each other have left. You all were fortunate enough to find this ranch, but time is running out. The hordes of undead will find this place eventually, and you don’t have the means to defend it for long.

Miraculously, the old radio in the barn still works, and through it you learned about a safe zone just a few counties over that promises food, clean water, medicine, and security. Your only hope is an old motorcycle in the barn. If you can find the keys, new spark plugs, and some fuel, you can make a run for the safe zone and the hope of a new life. But work quickly... the dead are coming!


Flashing lights with stroboscope in the room. Please consider all related health concerns you may have.
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