Escape game Gallery Getaway

Company: Epic Escape Rooms LI

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


1311 King Hwy, Brooklyn, NY 11229 ()


2nd floor

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Квест Taken II

Taken II

Epic Escape Rooms LI

Rating: (5+ reviews)


There was once an heirloom that was in Your family for generations. A precious Necklace made of the finest jewels. Your Great – Grandfather handmade it as an anniversary gift to his wife. Before it could be passed down to your father, it went missing. Your father searched tirelessly for over a decade with no luck. Finally he traced it back to the Lupin family, an art collector known to be shady. Your father gave you a mission to retrieve your family heirloom before it’s gone forever. Will you get back what’s rightfully yours?

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