Escape game Vampire's Lair

Company: Escape Room Palm Springs

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

20+ reviews


2500 N. Palm Canyon Dr., #B3, Palm Springs, CA 92262 ()


5 minutes from downtown and the Palm Springs Convention Center. Head North on Palm Canyon Drive.

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Escape Room Palm Springs

Rating: (20+ reviews)


In Salem, Massachusetts in the late 1690s, a man and a woman fall in love. But shortly before the wedding, the man finds a magic spell in his fiancée’s handwriting - the spell was to make him fall in love with her by unnatural means. He rejects her and calls off the wedding, calling her an evil witch. “I will show you an evil witch!” she vows, and turns him into a vampire, but that isn’t all: he finds his coffin impossible to open!

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