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Steph C.
I'm just going to go out and say it...this game is a lot more fun if you actually manage to escape the room.
Especially when you're playing with a good group of friends. Especially when this is for a birthday celebration and you've all just come from having drinks.
Especially when you start off kind of slow...then you start working out the clues....the wheels in your heads start turning. There's the excitement of ideas and thoughts being thrown around, seemingly in a meaningless jumble, until the pieces start clicking together...people start having "Eureka!" moments (does anyone actually say that anymore?)...you start getting closer and closer..
And then the ultimate rush, when you finally, FINALLY, get the key, with mere minutes left, and your friend jams it in the wrong keyhole and tries to open the wrong door.
Thankfully, this was quickly corrected and we burst through the right door with 2 minutes to spare! Whew. It was an exhilarating high of excitement, delight, and just plain RELIEF.
I have to give loads of credit to the creators of these games. These were not easy clues, and you really did need to use your brains on some of these. We did The Home, and I loved the whole set up. Our cluemaster was watching us on camera in another room, and would throw up clues on the TV monitor to help us. I liked how afterwards she walked us through the entire game to show us what we did..and what we didn't.
Being a group of good friends with diverse backgrounds was not only ideal, in some ways I think it was necessary. We communicated well, played off each other's strengths, compensated for each other's weaknesses, and handled each other's stress. Definitely wouldn't go here with strangers or people I didn't know well. Birthday girl already wants to go back and play another room!